Hamilton, Madison, and Jay

This blog is devoted to a variety of topics including politics, current events, legal issues, and we even take the time to have some occasional fun. After all, blogging is about having a little fun, right?

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Another liberal idea gets flushed; UPDATED and BUMPED!

The Left is always touting how intelligent they are compared to us. Trust me, they brag more than a junior high school student does to his buddies about "making it" with the head cheerleader, and like John Kerry, they tend to embellish or fib when they do brag.

When it comes to ideas, they don't have very many good ones. The War on Poverty was a farce. Raising taxes always sucks. Gutting the military was never a smart move at all (and yet they continue to do it). But that';s just the government side of liberalism. The private secotr is even worse.

Air america, the liberal's answer to Rush Limbaugh, and bevy of other talk show hosts, is dead; lying in a heap on the side of the road engulfed in flames. They never could come up with the talent to be able to take down the "host with the most," and ran into quite a few legal troubles of their own. (Anyone know if the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls club ever got paid back?)

Today, Carrie Lukas brings us the tale of yet another failure of the liberal establishment:

TO thunderous acclaim from the liberal intelligentsia, a team of feminist icons - including Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda - last year launched a women-run radio network. The mainstream media dutifully parroted press releases describing the launch as a "breakthrough" for women in the male-dominated world of talk radio.

The Boston Globe, for example, proclaimed that "GreenStone gives women an outlet." Business Week described the venture as "Talk Radio Minus The Testosterone."

Last Friday, GreenStone Media signed off for good. Why did this effort fail?

After all, the programming carefully was designed by feminist experts to appeal to female tastes. According to Steinem, "women are more and more turned off by the hostility and argumentative nature of AM talk radio." Greenstone Media was supposed to capitalize on that by offering a different tenor, more "community" and greater respect for different points of views.

GreenStone offered the typical liberal fare - boasting of interviews with Ralph Nader and Alec Baldwin - but also included programming that was downright girly. Morning show segments included "Mean Mommy," with advice for mothers, and "What's up with Guys," providing insights into the elusive male brain.

For years, I've been arguing that feminists don't understand today's women. They still think that women are living back in the Stone-Age with a grunting, half-brain dead husband/boyfriend, and that to save their "feminine soul" they needed to rebel. Sure. They did, and to this day the feminists are still losing ground. Today's women aren't like the radicals back in the sixties and seventies. They saw the direction that feminism was going, and put ab abrupt stop to that. Yes, women want to feel empowered and in charge. But they can do that in the home, like anybody else can.

My mother was master of the house. She took care of the bills. She took care of the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, etc. Feminists see that as some form of slave labor. Not my mother. My mother looked at it as her "share" of keeping up the household.

The same holds true now for Marcie and myself. We share a good deal of things around the house in terms of the normal humdrum chores: cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. Some people would scratch their heads at this, but there's nothing wrong with it. Likewise, now that she's back in school, a great deal of those things fall to me. I don't mind it at all. I knew it would happen, and I still encourgaed her to continue on with her education. "Don't worry about a thing, sweets. I have it under control."

Feminists would roll their eyes,a nd make some snide crack about the house burning down. Not Marcie. She knows the house is in good hands. She knows the site is in good hands. And I know that she is perfectly capable of achieving her goals.

Women, overall, don't like the feminist-driven media. We know of no female that regularly watches Oxygen or Lifetime. Most women we know dislike shows like The View and Oprah. Women, just like men, want to be challenged. I think the feminists may want a little lesson in feminine intelligence. Tune into any AM talk radio show and listen to the women that call in. Listen to the female hosts. They're not dumb. They're not talking about "the male brain." They're talking about substantive issues that attract listeners, be it the war in Iraq, the push for amnesty by the Senate, or the newest spending proposal. Women like to think, and when their creative juices get flowing, look out.

Marcie is an example of an empowered woman that never believed in the feminist ideal. She knew what she wanted in life, and worked hard to achieve it. She wanted the good job, the loving husband, and the house with the white picket fence. (OK, we don't have the fence, but she has the other two things) and she owes none of it to the constraining feminist mindset.

Publius II

UPDATE: 1:01 PM, AZ Time -- Did a little digging, and found out that the feminist talk radio gig headed up by Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, and Rosie O'Donnell isn't just "folding." It's screwing it's employees out of contractual obligations and severance pay. Brian Maloney has the scoop. HT -- Michelle Malkin

From Radio Equalizer:

What was expected to be a relatively quiet shutdown of the failed GreenStone Media feminist talk radio network has instead turned into a noisy flap over the way its founders are treating outgoing employees.

According to two new reports, the Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem and Rosie O'Donnell- backed outfit appears ready to ditch its staff without providing severance payments or offering other assistance.

In addition, there have been accusations that the firm is utilizing questionable financial tactics in order to avoid giving staffers their fair due. In fact, it isn't even following through on contractual promises made to key employees!

Eventually, the charges found their way to the New York Post's Page Six:

FORMER staffers of Green Stone Media, the defunct women's radio network, are grumbling that its founders aren't living up to their feminist creds. Women's libbers Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda are "putting their own reputations above their female employees' finances," one source told Page Six.

The recently shuttered station is "refusing to pay severance, and the founders won't file for bankruptcy protection because it would publicly embarrass Jane and Gloria." A spokesperson for Fonda told us, "This is pure speculation. There is no foundation to the accusations and the staff has been informed throughout."

Today, Fonda herself appeared on one of the network's final broadcasts to refute Page Six, but didn't seem especially convincing, even to the hosts, according to Radar:

The show's cohost was more interested in how much severance she and her female compatriots will get, and whether they'll have a chance to extend their health benefits until they land other gigs. Steinem, however, insisted on nitpicking the gossip item.
"The item was just backward," she said this morning. "We chose to dissolve rather than go bankrupt because it cost money to go bankrupt. It saved money for the staff." The idea is that, by avoiding bankruptcy, a company can sell off assets, and Steinem suggested that those dollars would be distributed to employees. But a source inside GreenStone tells Radar, "There are no assets! They rent a tiny space and all the equipment." GreenStone CEO Susan Ness told the staff that no one gets paid after Friday—"No severance, no extension of health insurance (COBRA), no honoring of personal contracts," some of which call for three months' severance pay, the source said.

When gently prodded by the morning show cohost, Steinem said employees would get some money but sidestepped specifics. "The important thing is that the [Page Six] item was just backward," she said. "If we'd have gone bankrupt then they'd have been paid even less," she snapped.

What's less than zero?

It should be noted that this failure isn't a new thing as they are, technically, connected to Air America even though Steinem denied such a connection.

Publius II


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