Hamilton, Madison, and Jay

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Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Children Racist If They Do Not Like Unfamiliar Food?

I am not fond of Indian food, and unless it is a taco or tostada, I am not fond of Mexican food. Does that make me a racist? According to this report in the Telegraph, I just might be:

The National Children's Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.

This could include a child of as young as three who says "yuk" in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.

The guidance by the NCB is designed to draw attention to potentially-racist attitudes in youngsters from a young age.

It alerts playgroup leaders that even babies can not be ignored in the drive to root out prejudice as they can "recognise different people in their lives".

The 366-page guide for staff in charge of pre-school children, called Young Children and Racial Justice, warns: "Racist incidents among children in early years settings tend to be around name-calling, casual thoughtless comments and peer group relationships."

It advises nursery teachers to be on the alert for childish abuse such as: "blackie", "Pakis", "those people" or "they smell".

The guide goes on to warn that children might also "react negatively to a culinary tradition other than their own by saying 'yuk'".

Staff are told: "No racist incident should be ignored. When there is a clear racist incident, it is necessary to be specific in condemning the action."

Warning that failing to pick children up on their racist attitudes could instil prejudice, the NCB adds that if children "reveal negative attitudes, the lack of censure may indicate to the child that there is nothing unacceptable about such attitudes".

Warning, warning ... thought police on the move in the UK!

This is completely asinine. Kids are finicky when it comes to food. I should know as I refused to eat any creamed veggies until I was in my mid-teens. I did not like the taste or the texture. I have tried a good deal of foreign food, and while much of it is not bad, I would still prefer to have a steak cooked medium rare. To say that pre-school children exhibit racist behavior because they dislike certain foods shows that the government in the UK is going way too far. This literally smacks of Soviet-style thought police.

As for what they say, again, they are children. They are going to say what they want, and not think twice about it. By reprimanding or, as the article states, "censuring" them, you risk alienating them. It would be one thing if a child dropped the "N-bomb" on a black child, but if they observe someone smells, why chastise them. Chances are, the child may be right.

I cannot believe that the UK is going down this road. So anxious are they to control every aspect of their citizens' lives that they are willing to subject themselves to some sort of thought police. And once a nation embarks down this sort of road, there is no turning back. I think the people ought to tell the National Children's Bureau to take a long walk off a short pier. Either that, or maybe English citizens should begin homeschooling their kids.



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