New Issue Up!
(Obligatory reminder ... this post will remain at the top of the page for the next 24 hours. Scroll down for any updates we might be inclined to put up.)
The Chief starts this issue off with a column on "Barack the Blank Slate."
Larry Simoneaux observes that gun free zones are anything but free.
Patrick Shanahan is still on hiatus (the lucky dog).
And Marcie and I tackle the gross miscarriage of jurisprudence known as Boumedien v. Bush.
Oliver Hagley starts off the guest columnists by addressing more than just one issue that happen to be on a lot of minds nowadays.
JJ Jackson takes on all the people criticizing speculators (read: Investors) in this current gas hitch.
Erik Rush correctly identifies what the Obama supporters are. (We'll fax him his winning cigar.)
Carey Roberts,/li> puts the final (hopefully) nails in the Clinton Ambition coffin now that Hillary has left the stage.
John Lillpop discusses Obama's lack of change on a sensible energy policy. (To which the rest of us asked "And you're surprised? He's a Democrat.")
And Jim Kouri wonders if the angered conservative base will be the downfall of the GOP. (We contacted the mascot, but it was unable to remember it put it's cell-phone.)
That's it. 'Nuff said. Get on over and start reading.
Publius II