Hamilton, Madison, and Jay

This blog is devoted to a variety of topics including politics, current events, legal issues, and we even take the time to have some occasional fun. After all, blogging is about having a little fun, right?

Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

Who are we? We're a married couple who has a passion for politics and current events. That's what this site is about. If you read us, you know what we stand for.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New Issue Up!!!

It is the 16th, which means the new issue of Common Conservative is up and waiting for you guys to dig in.

The Chief kicks us off with a tribute to love and marriage by talking about how his parents made their's work.

Larry Simoneaux observes that being dumb and thinking tough can be dangerous if you're a stubborn guy and you're having a heart attack.

Marcie and I go over the many lies told by the Democrats this year, and conclude that this is definitely the campaign of deceit and deception; no doubt due to desperation.

Doug Patton remembers the only man who could play Moses well.

Lt. Cmdr. Esmaeil Abnar takes on Iran, and notes that it's time to unleash the "People's Opposition Movement" in Tehran to topple the mullahocracy.

JJ Jackson is back, and likewise takes a look at the lies of the Democrats. But he's focusing in on Hillary, and one missed in our rush to make the deadline.

Warner Todd Huston explains why Holly-Weird's Iraq war pictures are flopping at the box office. (Might it have something to do with the fact that they suck, and they always paint us in a bad light, hmmmm?)

Russ Gottwald explains the striking similarities between the War on Terror and the Cold War.

And Jim Kouri rounds us out with his take on the slow-moving military justice system with regard to the detainees we've caught in this war. (Not to give away the ending, but it's all the Democrats fault.)

Enjoy reading!!

(Please remember that this post will remain at the top of the page for the next 24 hours. SCROLL DOWN for any updates.)

Publius II


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