Hamilton, Madison, and Jay

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Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Superdelegates afraid for their political future

Politico has the story, and these freshman Democrats have a right to be a tad worried. They're being told by supporters that if they choose the wrong person, they won't be supported when it comes time for reelection:

As senior Democratic Party officials call on superdelegates to announce their presidential candidate preferences, one group remains stubbornly resistant to their pleas: junior members of Congress.

Just back from two weeks at home with their constituents, some worry about a backlash from voters no matter what they do.

Rep. Jason Altmire, a freshman and an uncommitted Pennsylvania superdelegate, voiced a fear evidenced by many of the undecided superdelegates: that the increasingly sour and bitter tone of Democratic voters, prompted by weeks of Barack Obama/Hillary Rodham Clinton trench warfare, could pose political peril if superdelegates make the wrong choice.

"Three months ago, everyone in the district was saying how great it was to have these strong candidates,” he said. “Now, whenever I'm at a rally or somewhere else, I hear people saying, 'I used to like Jason, but if he endorses the one I don't like, I'm not going to vote for him.'"

For junior members, who tend to be more vulnerable to challenge than more entrenched senior members of Congress, the concern is that making a choice at this point — any choice — could harm their own reelection hopes.

All Democratic members of Congress are superdelegates. Those anxieties could help explain why exactly half of the 42 freshmen Democrats in the House — and exactly half of the eight Senate Democrats elected in 2006 — have yet to commit to a presidential candidate.

In Indiana, for example, the three House Democrats elected in 2006 have not sided with a candidate, nor has Congressman Andre Carson, a 2008 special-election winner. In Arizona, the state’s two House freshmen are on the sidelines, as are the two freshmen Democrats from Florida. Ohio’s three House freshmen are also uncommitted.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II, a second-term Missouri Democrat who is supporting Clinton even after his district voted narrowly for Obama, said he understands many lawmakers' reluctance to commit.

"Self-preservation is the top priority," he said. "Why would they go out and do something that's not in their best interests? They make enemies."

Self-preservation? Are you kidding me? Isn't the job of the superdelegates to choose the person best suited to be the president? That's what we thought it was, but apparently for these people it's all about saving their political skins.

But the conundrum couldn't be more stark. They are seeing the same trench-warfare mentality in their own supporters as pollsters and pundits have seen now for months. It's just now becoming apparent. If Obama wins the nomination, Hillary supporters have vowed they won't vote for him. If the decision is in Hillary's favor, Obama supporters have said they won't vote for her. Allah took note of the fact some far-Left moonbats are threatening to recreate the Chicago DNC from 1968 if Hillary comes away with the nomination.

The threat of violence, mixed with the threats from the Democrat base over how the superdelegates will vote, is making this election cycle even more enjoyable. These people are blowing up their party, and it's being done right in front of America's eyes. We can see that this is a power struggle between the Clinton machine and the up-and-comers in the Democrat party. It's clear that many in the party are sick of the Clintons, and would love nothing more than to see them exit the stage.

Looking at it from the conservative point of view, it's clear that this is John McCain's race to lose. Neither Obama or Hillary are as formidable as some pundits proclaim. Both of them keep stepping on land mines. Obama's mistakes come from his inexperience whereas Hillary's come from outright distortions of her "35 years of experience." We're seeing that neither one have a firm grasp of reality right now, and that neither one seems to be able to close the deal with voters. As this goes to the convention (we disagree with Bill Kristol, who was on Hugh's show yesterday, when he said that Hillary will get out with her next major loss), the rhetoric will be ramped up, and the heat the base puts on superdelegates will rival anything that the Goracle could preach about.

Publius II


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