Hamilton, Madison, and Jay

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Schism in the Democrat party

We saw this coming months ago, and predicted it as such. Today Captain Ed notices the media has finally caught up to the idea. Granted there were some rumblings not too long ago, but barely worth noting in media circles. Now, it's gone mainstream, and Democrats should be rightly worried. From McClatchy:

Many black voters are making it very clear: They're concerned that Barack Obama is going to be denied the Democratic presidential nomination that they see as rightfully his, and if that happens, a lot of them may stay home in November.

"It would hurt me not to vote," said Charles Clark, an Indianapolis retiree. He's thinking about leaving the presidential box on his ballot blank this fall if Hillary Clinton is the Democrats' nominee.
"There was a heck of a push made so blacks could vote. I know that," he said. "But it would also be very unfair if they pushed Barack Obama to the side."

Michelle Moore, an Indianapolis housewife, is less gentle: "Hillary Clinton would not even still be in the race if Obama was a white man," she said.

Her tough tone was common this week in this city's black community. Why, people asked, is the Illinois senator's relationship with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright being judged so harshly? Why won't Democratic Party officials acknowledge that Obama's in the lead and unite around him?

African-Americans have been the Democratic Party's most reliable bloc, giving about 90 percent of their votes to former Vice President Al Gore and Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., in the last two presidential elections.

In a close election this year, an African-American exodus from the voting booth could be costly to Democrats, particularly in the South, where blacks are a large proportion of the electorate.

If Obama isn't the nominee, "there would be a significant number of African-Americans who would stay home. They're not voting for (presumptive Republican nominee) John McCain," predicted David Bositis, a senior analyst at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, which researches black voting trends.

Obama, as the frontrunner, rightly deserves the nomination. All the talk earlier in the primaries of the Clintons attempting to persuade superdelegates to their camp, and even switching some that had been committed to Obama has raised the ire of many Democrat party insiders, and even a fe superdelegates themselves. But deep down inside, Hillary feels she's owed this nomination, to which we reply poppy-cock. "You don't get what you don't earn, Madam Senator."

But this should have a few Democrats worried. Should blacks stay home, not only will it kill the chances of taking the White House (very slim right now, to begin with), and it would have disastrous consequences from Democrats down ticket. This was going to be their year to really hand us our heads on a platter. The GOP has more seats up for reelection in the Senate than the Democrats do, and Senator Schumer has stated that their goal is a 57-43 split which translates to solid Democrat control, and a guarantee to break any filibuster that the GOP tries to mount. (Believe me, given the moronic RINOs we have in the senate, he only needs a couple of wishy-washy ones to step across the aisle.)

But the nightmare the Democrats are now looking at is that if blacks stay home, or they refuse to vote for president, they are looking at an enormous voting bloc that will have effectively turned their backs on their party. If Democrats want to have a ghost of chance this year, they'd best pay attention. And that means denying Hillary her shot at the brass ring this time around. Of course, there's no reason to give it to her in the first place, but given the change in mantras from the Democrats where they now focus on electability, it's no wonder why some blacks have raised their voices over the nomination issue.

Publius II


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